Reaching a Wider Audience

Reaching a Wider Audience

Reaching a Wider Audience. In this Web TV interview Clare Southworth, professor of flute at the Royal College of Music discusses the need for artists today to engage with a wider audience by embracing all styles of world music.

She answers the following questions:

  • What evidence of this trend have you gained from your travels performing and teaching?
  • How have you adapted your approach to performing and teaching to address this move away from solely classical recitals?
  • You have commissioned new works to engage with a younger audience  – tell us about this project
  • Let’s listen to an extract from one of your duets and then talk about the style used
  • You also have other projects to engage a wider audience – can you elaborate on those?
  • Tell us more about your performing, especially with your group Caliente! And let’s listen to you performing with Caliente!
  • Have you found a change in the response from your audience with the introduction of different styles?
  • On a technical level, there seems to be a greater emphasis on developing fast finger technique. Does this trend detract from other areas of technique?
  • You try and address these areas in your book The Expression of Colour”, tell us more about your ideas on sound production.
  • The impression you give is that you are constantly striving and looking for new ways to engage your audience through he flute. What are your future plans?


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