Soft Skills for Music Education Majors

Soft Skills in Music Education?

Soft Skills for Music education majors are curious more than ever before about how to parlay their soft skills into the business world. It is a subject that receives increasing attention due to the concern of lack of jobs, taking on advanced degrees, and therefore more debt and the serious effect Covid 19 has had on live performance. What many creative people do not know is how valuable their soft skills are in the world of industry. Today, the business world is looking for high-performing employees and candidates with creative skill sets.

But what are soft skills? How does an artist who requires a stable income adapt their soft skill training learned in the study of music into another industry without having to go back to college to earn a degree in business or finance? How can they parlay their music education to attain work-life balance, self-reliance, success, and accountability?  In this first of a series of business training seminars, Christopher Caliendo explains what are soft skills and how in demand they are by industries worldwide!





Provide a real-life example for each of the following five main soft skills which you practiced throughout your musical education.

Incorporate within your answer each of the corresponding soft skills. For example – COMMUNICATION – detail an example in college where you demonstrated excellent communication skills. Incorporate – active listening, confidence, conflict resolution, and organization into your answer.

This exercise will increase your understanding of your unique skill sets learned through the study of music and will make you appreciate your musical education and the value it brings to other industries.


Related communication skills:

    • Active listening
    • Confidence
    • Conflict-resolution
    • Organization

Related problem-solving skills:

    • Creativity
    • Research
    • Risk management
    • Teamwork

Related creativity skills:

    • Curiosity
    • Learning from others
    • Open-mindedness
    • Taking calculated risks

Related adaptability skills:

    • Consistency
    • Organization
    • Optimism
    • Flexibility

Related work ethic skills:

    • Attention to detail
    • Integrity
    • Persistence
    • Time management
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