Flute Sonata No. 9 (The Manhattan Sonata)

Flute Sonata No. 9 (The Manhattan Sonata)

Flute Sonata No. 9 (The Manhattan Sonata) – CAROL WINCENC, flute professor at the Juilliard School of Music, provides interpretation tips on performing Flute Sonata No. 9, the Manhattan Sonata, which was specially written for her and premiered at the Cole Conservatory of Music.

Carol talks about how to avoid a stereotypical sense of swing to enhance the simpatico, genial, waltz-like theme of the first movement.

She talks about the middle movement, the challenges the importance of ensemble playing, and conveying emotion.

For the final movement, Carol talks about how to bring the fun and energetic qualities in this movement across. She talks about the value of listening to classic jazz piano players, accents, and how to perform the sequence of tremolo passages in the opening melody.

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