Building An Online Flute Festival

Building An Online Flute Festival

Building An Online Flute Festival.  Born in California, and raised by parents from Mexico City in Houston Texas, this young lady goes on a backpacking trip with her mom to Brussels, after graduating in three years from Boston Conservatory, hears the resident flutist in the opera house and ends up getting her Masters from him at 21 years old.

Listen to Beatriz’s marvelous story – her life of exodus, and how she ends up in Finland creating the Tampere Flute Fest!

– the importance of parents as musical mentors

– the valley of being open-minded

– a trip to Brussels

– competing in Europe

– 2nd prize – but an opportunity that arises

– married in Finland

– the Finnish culture

– the opportunities

– creating the Tampere Flute Fest

– tips on how to create an online music festival


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