Finding Your Place as a Non-Classical Flutist

Finding Your Place as a Non-Classical Flutist.

Finding Your Place as a Non-Classical Flutist. Billboard Charts #1 Jazz Flute Artist Bill McBirnie joins me in this WEB TV special documentary! Bill shares his thoughts on how to find work as a non-classical flutist, his transitions from both working as an accountant for Arthur Anderson and navigating his flute career from classical to improvisation. His story is unusual. His journey is unique. Which is why Mr. McBirnie is so special.

Our discussion includes the following:

  • Where were you born?
  • Were you significant in your youth? prodigy/savant/regular hard-working “Joe”
  • Were your parent’s musical mentors?
  • Formal education?
  • What choices did you make in your career after graduation day that define who you are today? Basically, how did we arrive at your topic? (A NON-CLASSICAL FLUTIST: Finding Your Place)
  • When and why did you choose to pursue non-classical music?
  • Explain your association with Junior Mance and Sir James Galway.
  • What are the challenges of playing non-classical music, in terms of technique? More specifically, explain the differences between classical and jazz as they relate to theory and technique.
  • What are the challenges of playing non-classical music, in terms of theory?
  • How do you go about learning and practicing the types of things that you actually play?
  • Who are some of the musicians who have been your strongest influences on a personal level?
  • How do you find work as a non-classical flutist?
  • What does it mean to be a Canadian flutist?
  • What advice would you give young flutists today who are at the edge of the periphery wondering if they should major in music?

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