OUR Promise TO YOU

The 2t Academy makes a unique contribution to the world of music education.

  Firstly, we will change your career by coaching musicians in business skills.

Secondly, our courses encourage a longer term career.

Thirdly, and most importantly, we set up musicians for success by allowing them to find their voice and discover their unique identity.  

In conclusion,  we foster self-reliance, work-life balance and accountability.


SOFT SKILLSwhy they are valuable especially today!

ADAPTABILITY – 2021’s the most important skill and why you possess it!

THE JOB MARKET TODAY – how to transfer your creative skills to business!

THE ADVANTAGES OF A CORPORATE JOB the secret to success!

APPLYING FOR A CORPORATE POSITION even Superman needed a day job!

HOW TO BUILD A CREATIVE CAREER – strategies that will transform your creative future!

“I had no idea how valuable my creativity was. Also, I didn’t know that it could apply to so many different industries! However, I realized that the job opportunities are endless thanks to this course. It is transformational.”

Mahfrin Santoke

2T Academy |



The importance of personal identity in today’s music education cannot be overlooked.  That is why we developed IDENTITY.

In particular, this course helps you discover your unique identity by using three practical techniques. 

IDENTITY will shape your personal brand as well as discover your unique value and strength. Ultimately, it will increase ACCOUNTABILITY and CONFIDENCE.

Get ready to jumpstart your career!




If you are looking into learning how to pivot your creative skills into the world of industry… Octiv8 is what YOU need!


DEVELOP, diversify and apply your creative core skills to the world of industry.


SECURE your financial stability.


ACCELERATE your creative aspiration.


ACHIEVE all of this in far less time and for a significantly smaller cost than a college degree. 

Learn whenever and..wherever!


You will LEARN!


Our WEB TV series features some of the greatest flutists in the world. Here, they narrate their life stories and share the success tips that helped them become who they are today!


What Members can look forward to.

Courses -

15-30 minutes business training lessons.

web tv -

access to documentary interview featuring the most famous flutists in the world. Hear all about their journeys and their success choices!

member calls -

30-minute one-to-one zoom calls.  Our panel of experts answer questions on business traininglife balanceaccountability and more.

2t Success tips -

success tip from some of the most famous flutists in the world!

community forum -

2t Academy Facebook ZOOM calls.  Special flute guest artists and CEOs sharing ideas and success tips.

downloads -

2 hi-fidelity track selections per month of tango, gypsy, flamenco plus world music recordings performed by top flute artists!

member perks -

our 2X1 FOREVER sale on Caliendo World Music Publishing’s extensive catalogue of world music for classical musicians!

standalone -

business training tips.  Audio eBooks and quick reference material from established CEOs, marketing executives and business owners.  Welcome to your personal entrepreneurship library!

video blog -

exclusive interviews.  Business adjunct faculty, flute professors, members, flute choir entrepreneurs, podcasters and more!

filler content -

monthly newsletter.  Keep up to date on new content additions. We round up the hottest community discussions! In addition, we celebrate our member’s success through our monthly member spotlight!

social forum -

access to MUSIC DEGREE REVIVAL, our FB Group. 

There, we discuss the top three issues facing musicians today:  Firstly, lack of jobs. Secondly, anxieties about the technologies learned in school and whether they will apply upon graduation. 

Work-life balance -

Last but not least, your work-life balance is important to us and how to have a sustainable life in music.

italian recipes -

Christopher paid off his student loans by creating a personal chef business in Boston! Now you can enjoy his northern Italian recipes inspired by his Bolognese mom every month!

“Well, the problem is that music majors after graduation are anxious about finding a job. Also, they feel pressured to take on advanced degrees and accumulate more debt. Ultimately, they wonder if they will ever achieve life balance”.

“Coaching musicians in business skills and how to secure a high paying salary is exactly what we teach here at the 2t Academy. Moreover, we provide them with a unique business skill set not taught in academia, so to accelerate their music careers. Welcome to 2t Academy”.

2T Academy |

Christopher Caliendo


Adjunct Faculty Executives

You bring your musical expertise, we give you the training and support.

Meet Octiv8’s extraordinary adjunct faculty of top CEOs.

Picture Of Dr. Jay Klusky
Dr. Jay Klusky

Cognitive Psychologist Author


Picture Of Brian Conners
Brian Conners

CEO Financial Advisor MBA


Picture Of Bill Ellermeyer
Bill Ellermeyer

CEO Ellermeyer Connect Career Mgmt - BBA


Picture Of Marylou Garcia
Marylou Garcia

Managing Partner


Picture Of Mark Ernst
Mark Ernst

CEO Ernst Enterprise
MS, JD Law


Picture Of Dennis Kushner
Dennis Kushner

Corp VP M&A


Picture Of John Meazzo
John Meazzo

Corp CEO


“I am in love with the variety of information.

Certainly, Christopher brings us one of the wonders of the world of music and makes it available to everyone online. For this reason, I  believe you will become as excited as I am”

2T Academy |

“Christopher helps us understand how to reach financial stability while accelerating our creative aspirations.

This is what makes 2t Academy an incredible online learning experience”.

Our 2t Academy can help you find the answers to these questions! 

 This groundbreaking program helps creatives – like YOU! – jump-start their careers, coached by top-notch business leaders. 

HOW? By helping you do a CAREER PIVOT and transitioning your education, skills as well as experience into new opportunities in today’s job market!

2T Academy |

CEO-Your Private CFO

Brian Conners - Adjunct faculty

“This 2t academy membership is an exceptional course to acquire life and balance skills to bring your career to the next level!  Business success leaders will guide you to new levels of creative brilliance and personal development.”

2T Academy |

CEO – CFO Consultants

JOHN MEAZZO - Adjunct faculty

“The Octiv8 course is a must for every individual with a liberal arts degree and is now facing a career change.  


Undoubtely, Christopher and the faculty prepare you through the initial steps of shifting from a liberal arts career to the world of business. 


What is more, this will save you years of time and cost from doing it on your own.”

INSIDE Octiv8 Logo

you will learn

WHY MFA is the New MBA: A video history of the rise of right brain dominance

Your Mindset: How to CAREER PIVOT from creative to corporate with Dr. Jay Klusky

WHY Soft Skills Are So Valuable in Industry

7 Types of Adaptability Skills Musicians Naturally Possess

What You Can Bring to a Company as a creative

How to Accelerate Your Creative Career with a Day Time Job

Branding yourself

Tips to Applying for a Corporate Position and How to Write an Effective Resume

The Advantages of a Corporate Job: getting the best benefits package

How to Choose the Right Health Policy

Practical Wealth Management Tips

The Power of Networking

Secrets to Creating a Professional LinkedIn Page

How to Create Powerful Video Testimonials

Mentors – Why They Are So Important

Tips on Managing a Portfolio Career

A Guide to Managing Time

2T Academy |

CEO - Ellermeyer Connect

BILL ELLERMEYER - Adjunct faculty

“Without a doubt, this is a groundbreaking course. 


 It helps art majors maximize their time and effort spent on education while truly preparing them for new opportunities in today’s job market.”

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